AMMA Scholarships & Grants
Grants and Scholarships
AMMA is committed to supporting the growth of the military medicine and veterans’ health sectors. This includes providing significant financial assistance to its members and supporters who are undertaking research in these areas, or who wish to attend the annual Conference to further their scientific, professional or academic knowledge.
Please note: all grants and scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Association Council. In years where there are no suitable recipients, the grants will not be awarded
AMMA Conference Scholarships
The Conference Scientific Committee will determine the award of the scholarships based on criteria that it sets. Applicants for the scholarships must submit their papers via the Conference submission portal, in line with the conference deadlines.
The scholarship will consist of one full registration to the 2021/2022 AMMA Conference that year and one return economy airfare from the recipient’s nearest Australian capital city to the conference location. In lieu of return economy flights, recipients travelling from outside Australia will receive $1000 AUD toward their costs of travel. With the approval of Council, attendance may be held over to a subsequent Conference.
Applicants must agree to publish their paper in JMVH. Applicants must not have previously been awarded a Conference Scholarship.
3 x Defence Force Other Ranks Conference Scholarships
Three Conference Scholarships will be awarded to Health Service members of an Oceanic Region Defence Force (Permanent or Reserves) who are not commissioned officers. One scholarship will be awarded to a member of each Service (Army, Navy, Air Force).
3 x Health Student Conference Scholarships
Three Conference Scholarships will be awarded to thoes who are undertaking a course of study at tertiary level in a health or health-related discipline with a focus on military medicine, veterans’ health, or related field.
AMMA Research Grants
More information coming soon!